
Psycho anime girl hot
Psycho anime girl hot

psycho anime girl hot

But she also has a bloodthirsty side that usually comes out when she is angry or getting excited in a fight.

  • Hotaru, the female protagonist of Aoharu × Machinegun can be genuinely sweet, affectionate, friendly and kind-hearted.

    She's a cute, socially awkward college student, but also a psychotic serial murderer who favors slashing her victims' necks with a box-cutter. Akuma no Riddle has plenty of cute lesbian assassins, most notably Otoya.The drugs don't help her shattered mentality, either. To a lesser extent, but still quite potent, Seryu's teammate Kurome is also greatly disturbed and seeks to kill her sister, Akame.As a matter of fact, she comes complete with a twisted conception of right and wrong. her personality switches over to bat-shit insane. Regularly, she's sweet around those who she doesn't consider evil. Seryu Ubiquitous, the "Officer of Justice".They also don't necessarily have to be provoked to enter their Psycho-state, but can switch for reasons observers would be hard-pressed to determine. Their motivation, if they have one, can vary immensely. The primary difference between this trope and the Yandere is that the Cute and Psycho character is not driven by an obsessive need to possess a friend or lover. Often there is some kind of Dark and Troubled Past, or Split Personality to justify how the two aspects of the person can both be genuine, but other times no explanation is revealed. Sometimes there are distinctly different sides which may be shown equally, but other times they are mostly one or the other, the Killer Rabbit displaying moments of sweetness and relative-sanity or The Cutie showing hints of a dark psychotic nature. Incidentally, they are also varying shades of violent, unstable, and downright insane.Ĭute and Psycho is a trope that describes characters who are genuinely cute in both appearance and mannerisms but have a completely batshit crazy side. They are cute, sweet, innocent, and extremely huggable.

    Psycho anime girl hot